Sunday 31 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 41 - Boulogne

We drove into Boulogne in the morning, parking in the city centre. We went to a baker for croissants and pains au chocolat and had them for breakfast in the campervan.

Then we walked along the port through the fish market and along to the nautical centre.

We then climbed a hill, where we got a great view and could see the white cliffs of Dover.

Next we went to the Basilica in the old town. There was a mass going on, so first we visited the massive crypt.

By the time we'd been round the crypt the mass was finished, so we went round the Notre Dame Basilica itself.

After this we walked round the ramparts and had lunch. By now it was hot and sunny and stayed that way most of the day.

We visited the Belfry and got a free guided tour. It had a sculpture park in front of it too, devoted to the five senses.


Next was the castle museum, which was included in our crypt ticket. We went round its moat too.

We passed this mural in the town.

We walked through the fair, which was busy.

Later we went for a drink at a bar near the seafront. After driving back to the site we sat out in the sun for a bit before dinner, pasta and sauce.

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