Sunday 24 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 34 - Revin

We packed up and left the site, going down the road a bit to park for a cycle run. We headed north, downstream, on the excellent cycle path by the river Meuse. There were lots of nice views on the way.

We got as far as Montherm, where we stopped for lunch. We walked up the hill a bit but couldn't find a nice spot, so went back down and sat by the river. By this time it was hot and sunny and stayed that way all day.

We then cycled back, stopping near the end for a Magnum at a cafe. Back at the campervan we drove about half an hour north to Revin, also on the river Meuse. We checked in at the municipal campsite Les Bateaux for 3 nights for 40.95 euros including electricity.

 We went for a walk into town, most places were closed but we had a drink at a couple of bars. For dinner we had a barbecue, pork steaks, skewered vegetables and new potatoes.

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