Wednesday 13 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 23 - Annecy

It was still showery in the morning. We left the Aire and drove down the west side of Lake Annecy. We stopped at a big Carrefour supermarket for supplies and petrol. We also needed gas but couldn't find it there. We carried on down to a camp site and asked there, they suggested a Super U supermarket. We went there and sure enough found the right gas cylinder there.

We drove down to the bottom of the lake then back up the east side. We stopped at the village of Talloires and parked in a car park. We walked down to the port and found toilets, then walked round to the beach where we had our picnic lunch.

After lunch we watched the cruise boats on the lake, then walked round the coast path for a bit. There were some rainstorms further up the lake.

We saw a bat clinging to a wall, but it didn't look very well.

We then drove back up to the top of the lake and through Annecy, and went to check in at the camp site. We got a spot under a chestnut tree.

It was still showery, so we stayed in and had chilli and rice for dinner.

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