Wednesday 20 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 30 - Nevers

We were leaving Decize today, so packed up and had breakfast, then left about 10. We drove to the point on the canal we'd reached on Sunday and parked the van. We then cycled to the town of Nevers, about 17km away.

On the way we stopped at a Romaine church which was signposted up the road a bit.

Nevers also sits on the River Loire.

We locked up the bikes and had a walk in town. First we went into the cathedral.

Nearby we found the tourist office, where we asked and were told where we could park with the campervan overnight. We had Camembert and baguette for lunch in the park in front of the palace.

We then cycled back along the canal to the campervan. On the drive to Nevers we stopped at a supermarket for provisions and petrol, then on to Nevers. We parked in the overnight spot, which was next to a barbecue area at the river.

After parking we went for a walk in the town and followed a walking tour, marked by a blue line on the pavement. It took us past many churches.

We then had a drink at a bar on a square. It was hot today, though more cloudy and a few spots of rain.

When we got back we made dinner, salmon and vegetables. A lot of young people were chatting and having a barbecue next to where we parked the van.

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