Saturday 16 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 26 - Decize

We went to the Carrefour supermarket opposite for supplies, then left Ugine to drive north west at about 10.30. It was hot and sunny all day today. We stopped for lunch by the side of a lake on the way.

We then carried on to to the town of Decize, arriving about 4.30pm. We found what was listed as the Aire in our book, but asked in the tourist office to check, and they said it hadn't been an Aire for years. They did say there were two designated camping car places which were empty, so we took one of them. It was a pretty picturesque spot, just by the River Loire.

We went for a walk in the town, stopping at a bar in the main square for a drink. Back at the campervan we cooked dinner, chicken drumsticks with cannellini beans and vegetables, and ate it on our table outside at a bench.

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