Saturday 30 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 40 - Boulogne

We left Berck in the morning, and drove up the coast to Le Touquet. This is a smart resort that is used by a lot of Brits. We parked and went for a walk, first through the streets and then along the beach.

There was a jazz band playing in the square.

We had lunch in the sand dunes.

Later we drove further north to a campsite just outside Boulogne, Les Sapins. It was deserted when we got there, so we let ourselves in and set up.

Scott found the heat shield of the exhaust was falling off, but managed to fix it with a coke can.

Later the receptionist came and we paid for 2 nights, 22.80 euros cash. Dinner was mince, fried potatoes and vegetables.

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