Sunday 3 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 13 - Guignicourt, Reims

We went for a walk by the riverbank near the site, then made our way to the station to get the 12.28 train to Reims.

It took about 15 minutes to get there, and first we went to the tourist information near the station. We got a map with a walking tour so decided to do that. Since it was Sunday a lot of things were shut, however other things were free because it was the first Sunday of the month. There was a flea market selling all sorts of stuff.

We went to the cathedral, which was huge and impressive, undergoing some renovation outside.

We then went down to the Basilica, which was being set up for some kind of choir performance.

Next to the Basilica was a museum which was free, very interesting and full of Roman and other more recent artefacts.

We then walked back to the central part.

We considered having a drink but prices were very expensive so we decided to get the 5pm train home. Back in Guignicourt we walked to the outskirts where there was a fair that was busy with people. Back at the campervan we had dinner, pasta with sauce.

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