Friday 8 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 18 - TMB to Elisabetta

Up for breakfast at 7 - orange juice, bread, jam and coffee. Then we were packed and ready to start walking at 7.35.

First it was up to Col du Bonhomme at 2329m, walking over snow for the first time.

Then a further walk to Col de la Croix du Bonhomme at 2443m. The weather was lovely, sunny and very clear. There is a refuge just below the col.

Then there was a long walk down to the village of Les Chapieux where we had lunch, bread and cheese.

The next part of the walk was on a road up a valley, then a short walk on a path to the Refuge Les Mottets where we stopped for a rest.

Then there was a long climb up to Col de la Seigne, the border with Italy. We met an unaccompanied mule on the way up. We were pretty tired by then.

It was downhill after that, we saw lots of marmots on the way.

We finally arrived at Rifugio Elisabetta just after 6pm. We'd walked 24.8km, with 1850m of ascent and 1400m of descent.

The beds we were given were on the 3rd layer high with very little space, but the staff member said she'd try for better ones if some others didn't show up.

We had showers then went to dinner at the second sitting, 8.15pm. We booked a hotel in Courmayeur for the next night, but had trouble finding refuge accommodation for the day after that.

We had risotto, pork escalopes and trifle. We went to bed about 10, having been given decent bunk beds in a room for 6. Cost was 56 euros each plus 2 each for showers plus 10 each for packed lunch, total 136 euros.

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