Monday 18 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 28 - Decize

It was still very hot and sunny. We cycled east along the Canal du Nivernais, passing Champvert on the way.

We saw some large water voles, but weren't quick enough to get a photograph. We went as far as Cercy-La-Tour, where we stopped for lunch - crackers, brie and dried pork sausage.

We had a walk round the town, and came a cross the mayor speaking and holding a minute's silence for the Nice terrorist attack on Bastille Day.

We strolled round a bit more, there is a spectacular white statue of Mary dominating the highest point.

We then cycled back, with lots of stops for shade on the way. At one point we saw a red kite over the canal.

Back in Decize we went into Lidl for some barbecue food. At the campsite we saw a beaver swimming in the river. Later at sunset we saw bats flying about.

We had our barbecue, sausages, steak haché and vegetable skewers.

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