Sunday 17 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 27 - Decize

Scott went to the boulangerie in the morning, and got a baguette, croissants and pains au chocolate.

Then we got the bikes ready and set off. We went across the Loire to the Canal Lateral du Loire, which goes in the same direction. We passed the villages of Avril Sur Loire and Fleurie.


We also walked round a small lake. After about 20km we had lunch on the bank of the river.

We then cycled back, stopping to help at a lock on the way.

Back in town we moved the campervan to the Les Halles campsite and booked in for two nights, 16 euros per night with electricity, total 32 euros. The pitch is on the bank of the Loire, we saw lots of herons, egrets and swans with 10 cygnets.

We went next door to the Nautical Club where there was a bar and paddling pool etc., and we had a drink there. It was still very hot back at the campervan so we didn't cook dinner till later, pork chops on the George Foreman grill with fried potatoes and veg.

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