Thursday 14 July 2016

Summer Trip - Day 24 - Annecy

It was Bastille Day today. We got up and went for a walk up the hill straight from the campsite. We got to the Basilica and monastery of the Visitation, where we went in for a look around.

After this we went for a walk further up the hill through the woods to a viewpoint with a cross.

Back at the campervan we had lunch of the rest of the chilli with wraps.

We then walked down into town, and decided to go for a short boat cruise on the lake, with views to where we'd been the previous day.

It was still showery today, some quite heavy. We walked along the river for two or three miles, then back through the streets. We caught a particularly heavy shower so went and sat in the railway station for a while. It was quite warm, there was food available and free WiFi.
We checked TripAdvisor for restaurants and chose The Little Italy pizza place in the old town. It didn't open till seven but the rain had stopped so we walked for a bit.

For dinner Scott had a pizza with sausage and Shirley had one with mushrooms and Parma ham.

We then went to the waterfront where things were being set up for the Bastille Day celebrations and watched a band for a while, it was pretty cold.

At 10.15 the fireworks display started, it was very good.

By this time the crowds were huge. We walked home and were in bed by 11.30, could still hear the music from the town.

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