Monday 31 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 43 - Fougères

We packed up and left the site, and drove to the town of Fougères. We checked out the free aire in the town for later, then drove out to the forest for a walk.

After parking we luckily discovered we were in the right place for one of the walks in the book we'd brought with us. We did an 11km circular walk through the forest, ending with the Promenade of the Druids, a path alongside 80 or so standing stones.

We then drove to the aire and parked, then walked into town. At Tourist Information we got a map of walking tour, which we followed.

It took us through the the upper and medieval lower town.

There were four working water wheels just outside the castle.

We bought pastries from a boulangerie, and sat outside to eat them. We went back to the campervan and later had dinner, sweet potato curry.

After dinner we went for a walk through a tunnel for a cycle path, and found a large mural by a car park.

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