Monday 10 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 22 - Saint Samson Sur Rance

We took a drive today. First to Saint-Lunaire on the coast to see if Scott could remember it from a school trip in 1978. Not really! But possibly this one in Boulevard du Tertre.

Then along the coast to the Dinard seafront. After this we had a look at the Rance Barrage, which was the world's first tidal power station in 1966. We watched the lock get used, then went into the visitor centre and saw the turbine hall.

Then we walked across it and back. It was operating, and the currents and whirlpools as the water went in and out were fascinating.

When we got back the lifting bridge operated to let a sailing boat through the lock.

We then drove on to Cancale and parked near a viewpoint looking over the port and the masses of commercial oyster beds visible as the tide went out.

We walked down to the port and had lunch at a snack bar, chicken and chips. We wandered round the oyster stalls and watched people eat them by the dozen, but we didn't fancy a try.

We then went on a coastal walk north, very beautiful, passed lots of bays and islands.

We got as far as the northern tip, Pointe de Grouin.

We were lucky to catch a bus back or it would have been a late day. On the way back to the site we went shopping for provisions. Dinner was pizza and salad.

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