Sunday 16 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 28 - Quieberon Peninsula

We cycled down the peninsula today, first down parallel the corkscrew railway to the isthmus at the narrowest part.

Just there was an underground memorial to some French soldiers who'd be killed by the Gestapo during the war.

We then cycled west to the Cote Sauvage, the Atlantic coast. There were lots of spectacular bays, cliffs and coves there.

Also still some relics from WW2.

We passed through Quieberon port and town which was very busy.

We got to the furthest south east point and walked to a beach where we had our lunch and went for a paddle.

We then cycled back up the east side, stopping at another beach where Scott went for a swim while Shirley paddled, then a little fishing port.

Back at the campervan we decided to move to a quieter spot on the site, despite having paid extra to be near the sea. This turned out to be much better!

We had ratatouille and couscous for dinner.

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