Friday 7 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 19 - Saint Samson Sur Rance

We left Trevieres and headed west to Mont St Michel. After parking in the motorhome car park we cycled over the causeway. This was Shirley's first time cycling since injuring her finger - braking was OK but changing gear with left hand might be a problem.

When we got to the island we found it not very bike-friendly, nowhere to park the bikes and not practical to push them through the busy narrow streets. So we cycled back, locked up the bikes and took the free shuttle bus back over again.

We had our lunch on the rocks on the north side, the tide was out and it goes out for miles here.

Then we had a good walk round the streets and ramparts. Lots of tourist shops and restaurants. Also many costly museums which we didn't go in to.

Back at the shore side we had a look at the barrage that controls the river.

On leaving the car park we found it was 17.2 euros, more than we expected, although even a car would have been 11.7 euros.

We drove on to the Beausejour campsite near Saint Samson Sur Rance and booked in for 3 nights. We had a walk down to the river Rance.

We decided to go and shop for provisions and fuel before settling down. For dinner we had a barbecue of sausages and pork chops.

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