Friday 28 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 40 - Meslin

We left the site and drove to the car park to the west of Lake Guerlédan. From there we cycled west along the canal to the villages of Gouarec and Plouguernével.

We than cycled back east to have our lunch at the last lock before the lake.

After this we visited the Abbeye De Bon Repos which we paid to visit and get a guided tour on an iPad.

From there we drove north to an aire we'd chosen in the village of Meslin. There were two other campervans there, but there was plenty of room.

We had a stroll round the village and went into the one and only shop/bar/restaurant for a drink. Some friendly locals insisted we had another one though! For dinner we had pork steaks, fried potatoes and peas.

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