Sunday 9 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 21 - Saint Samson Sur Rance

We cycled south on the river today. First to Dinan, where there were Nautical Games going on. There was jousting from rowing boats, and paddle raft races. The quayside near the old bridge was very busy.

Then we walked up into the old town. This is full of medieval buildings many with overhanging first floors propped up with wooden columns.

We walked round the ramparts for a bit too. There were some street musicians, this woman was very talented, playing a flute with one hand, a traditional stringed instrument with the other, and drums with her feet.

We then cycled on to the city of Léhon, where we had our lunch by the river. Then we went up to its castle on a promontory, which had views back down to the river.

We then went a further 5 miles south, to a lake called Étang de Bétineuc. Parking the bikes we walked round the lake.

After this we cycled back to Dinan, where the games were still going on, and had an ice cream.

Then back to the site for another swim in the pool. There was a band playing in the cafe in the early evening so we sat with a beer and listened for a while.

Dinner was pasta and chilli sauce with sliced sausage.

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