Saturday 22 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 34 - Huelgoat

We went for a cycle run along the bank of the river Aulne.

At one point we saw what was probably a mink on the path, injured. We couldn't really do anything with it though, so we left it. (On later research, we discovered it's actually a polecat).

The rain came on quite heavily, so we cut the cycle short and went back.

We left and drove to Huelgoat, where we parked by the lake and went for a walk. First it went along a narrow canal.

We saw what we first thought was a wild boar, but actually seemed like a tame pig.

The walk then went through the forest, and then past the site of a Celtic fort.

Towards the end were lots of formations of boulders, which the area is famous for.

Scott went down into the Devil's Grotto! After the walk we drove to the free aire just outside town. For dinner we had omlette and fried potatoes.

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