Saturday 29 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 41 - Lancieux

We drove north and parked near the coast on the Cap Frehel peninsula. We walked west to the coast then round the coastal path to the north.

As we got further out the trees disappeared and the landscape was flat moors which were very colourful with heather and gorse.

We reached the end and paid our entry fee to climb to the top of the lighthouse for the views.

Then we walked down the other side to Fort La Latte, a spectacular restored ancient fort on a rocky outcrop.

We got back to the campervan and drove on to a campsite, Les Mielles in the village of Lancieux and booked in for two nights. However we only reserved our place and drove out to the Chevet peninsula and parked near the point.

We'd done this because the tide was going out and we knew there were islands you could walk out to at low tide. We were a little early and had to wait until the tide was far enough out.

Eventually we got across and walked to the north tip of the island, where we found a beach with people on it who'd got there by boat.

After staying a while we walked back to the campervan and drove back to the campsite. There was a takeaway pizza van there that night which tempted us, so that was dinner sorted.

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