Saturday 8 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 20 - Saint Samson Sur Rance

We cycled today. First down to the river Rance, then south to pick up the V2 cycle path.

This goes north, inland from the river, mostly on an old railway track, so pretty straight and with gentle slopes. On the way we diverted to the village of Pleslin-Trigavou to see megaliths, 65 of them arranged in rows in a forest, from 2000BC.

We found that the end of the V2 was just outside Dinard, so to get to the port we had to cycle on streets for a bit, which wasn't as nice.

We wanted to get a boat across to St Malo, so eventually found the correct kiosk and departure point. We left our bikes behind as we were only going to walk in St Malo. The boat trip only took about 10 minutes.

The centre of St Malo is a walled city, very busy with tourists. We bought some pastries from a baker and went outside the walls onto a beach to have our lunch. On the way a seagull swooped down and plucked a whole chocolate baguette out of Scott's hand and made off with it!

We walked out to a couple of islands over causeways that are only exposed at low tide. We had to paddle a little bit.

We then walked clockwise round the ramparts for a bit, then to the cathedral.

We bought some local pastries, including Kouign-Amann, a buttery sugar thing. We caught the boat back to Dinard, it had to wait a bit as a ferry was just leaving the port.

We cycled back south, taking a different route near the end which made the return only 12 miles.

Back at the site it was still hot and we decided to use the swimming pool, which was heated and lovely. After this we had showers, Shirley forgot to take her clothes and had to walk back to the van in her towel!

For dinner we had a barbecue of pork chops, burgers and vegetable skewers.

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