Saturday 1 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 13 - Long Man of Wilmington

We drove to Seaford and parked on the seafront. We were doing the Seven Sisters walk to Eastbourne.

First up over Seaford Head then down to Cuckmere Haven.

On crossing the beach there we had to paddle through the river to avoid a 2 mile detour to the nearest bridge.

The Seven Sisters actually start there, and finish at Birling Gap. It took us about an hour to do this stretch. Some of the chalk cliffs look like they're about to collapse at any minute!

We stopped at Birling Gap where all the tourists visit.

It was still about 5 miles to Eastbourne, next stop was Belle Toute lighthouse.

While there we found a mobile phone on the grass. After unsuccessfully trying to find out the owner we handed it in to the shop there, the owner gave us free ice creams for being honest!

Further on we got to Beachy Head, where we saw the lighthouse we'd walked round a week before.

We arrived at Eastbourne and decided to walk to the old town. We went into Saint Mary's church but couldn't go up the tower.

We had a pint in the Lamb and then caught a bus back to Seaford. We drove to a car park near the Long Man of Wilmington to stay overnight. We had chilli and rice for dinner.

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