Monday 31 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 43 - Fougères

We packed up and left the site, and drove to the town of Fougères. We checked out the free aire in the town for later, then drove out to the forest for a walk.

After parking we luckily discovered we were in the right place for one of the walks in the book we'd brought with us. We did an 11km circular walk through the forest, ending with the Promenade of the Druids, a path alongside 80 or so standing stones.

We then drove to the aire and parked, then walked into town. At Tourist Information we got a map of walking tour, which we followed.

It took us through the the upper and medieval lower town.

There were four working water wheels just outside the castle.

We bought pastries from a boulangerie, and sat outside to eat them. We went back to the campervan and later had dinner, sweet potato curry.

After dinner we went for a walk through a tunnel for a cycle path, and found a large mural by a car park.

Sunday 30 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 42 - Lancieux

We walked from the site down to the local beach, then just strolled east along the coast. We must have found at least ten beaches on the way.

We skirted St-Briac-Sur-Mer, and got as far as St-Lunaire beach. We took the inland route back, making a total of about 12 miles. We had an ice cream in St-Briac-Sur-Mer.

It was mostly sunny, with cloud. For dinner we had spiced chicken in the George Foreman grill with vegetables and fried potatoes.

Saturday 29 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 41 - Lancieux

We drove north and parked near the coast on the Cap Frehel peninsula. We walked west to the coast then round the coastal path to the north.

As we got further out the trees disappeared and the landscape was flat moors which were very colourful with heather and gorse.

We reached the end and paid our entry fee to climb to the top of the lighthouse for the views.

Then we walked down the other side to Fort La Latte, a spectacular restored ancient fort on a rocky outcrop.

We got back to the campervan and drove on to a campsite, Les Mielles in the village of Lancieux and booked in for two nights. However we only reserved our place and drove out to the Chevet peninsula and parked near the point.

We'd done this because the tide was going out and we knew there were islands you could walk out to at low tide. We were a little early and had to wait until the tide was far enough out.

Eventually we got across and walked to the north tip of the island, where we found a beach with people on it who'd got there by boat.

After staying a while we walked back to the campervan and drove back to the campsite. There was a takeaway pizza van there that night which tempted us, so that was dinner sorted.

Friday 28 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 40 - Meslin

We left the site and drove to the car park to the west of Lake Guerlédan. From there we cycled west along the canal to the villages of Gouarec and Plouguernével.

We than cycled back east to have our lunch at the last lock before the lake.

After this we visited the Abbeye De Bon Repos which we paid to visit and get a guided tour on an iPad.

From there we drove north to an aire we'd chosen in the village of Meslin. There were two other campervans there, but there was plenty of room.

We had a stroll round the village and went into the one and only shop/bar/restaurant for a drink. Some friendly locals insisted we had another one though! For dinner we had pork steaks, fried potatoes and peas.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Summer Trip - Day 39 - Lac de Guerlédan

We drove to St Aignan and parked next to the Nantes Brest Canal. We cycled along it to Pontivy, about 18km away. This section was disused, some of the locks were broken and fallen trees were blocking it.

At Pontivy we got a map and walking tour from Tourist Information, which was on a boat.

We walked round the old part of town, which was interesting.

The walk ended at the castle, which was closed because a wall had fallen down and was being restored.

We then cycled further along the canal to two sets of ten locks, which were in use now.

We cycled all the way back then, making a total of 58km. It was mostly cloudy today, with a little sunshine later. For dinner we had tartiflette, made with camembert, potatoes, onions and lardons.