Saturday 29 June 2024

European Trip - Day 27

We've decided to stay another night here, so arranged that at reception. We walked from the site along the river to the next village, Bettendorf. We soon found out that in Luxemburg, everyone greets each other by saying "Moien". Different from the "Servus" or "Grüß Gott" you get in Germany.

We then went uphill along country lanes and tracks to an old stone quarry, where we stopped for a sandwich. There's a natural spring there where Oscar could have a drink.

We continued walking along the ridge past Diekirch. It was one of the hottest days today, about 32 degrees, so when there was no tree cover it was quite punishing.

Eventually we went back down to the riverside, and found a field of the town's famous donkeys.

The walk was about 20km with 380m of ascent.

We had planned to go into to town for dinner in the evening, but decided it was too hot to leave Oscar in the van. Instead we had a barbecue of haloumi and bratwurst, with pepper, courgette, tomato, coleslaw and kartoffelsalat.

Later there was a storm with a huge amount of thunder and lightning, so perhaps it was just as well we didn't go out.

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