Saturday 22 June 2024

European Trip - Day 20

We walked into town to catch a bus to the start of our walk. It turned out that the same bus takes people to visit the nearby famous castles, and there were so many people waiting we reckoned not everybody would get on.

However we all packed in, I think there must have been about 90 people on the single decker bus. Fortunately about 80 of them got off at the first castle stop. By the time we got to our destination, the Tegerbergbahn cable car, there were only about 4 people left.

We caught the cable car up the hill, and at the top we enjoyed the views and stayed for a while watching paragliders take off.

Our walk was to circle round and down the hill, then follow a different path back to Fussen. There was a fair bit of uphill too though.

Shortly after leaving the top we came upon some kind of religious musical ceremony.

The path down was very secluded and quiet, we only saw a couple of other walking groups.

Things changed as we approached the castles the bus had stopped at earlier though. There were suddenly throngs of tourists. There's a bridge overlooking Schloss Neuschwanstein that we briefly considered going on, but there's an admission charge and there was a large queue.

We had a look at this, and also Schloss Hohenschwangau, and quickly left the area.

We got back to Fussen by walking round Schwansee (Swan Lake) then up a hill to a chapel at the end and down into town.

The whole walk was about 21km, with 420m of ascent and 1350m of descent.

It was starting to rain when we got to Fussen, so decided to go for a beer then catch the bus back to site. However as we got off the bus to walk the last 5 minutes the heavens opened, and we got soaked to the skin just getting back to the van.

Later we went out to both the local Lidl and Aldi supermarkets to buy the ingredients for tartiflette, so ended the day with a delicious dinner.

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