Friday 28 June 2024

European Trip - Day 26

We decided to go via Luxemburg on the route north, for no other reason than because we hadn't been there before. After stopping for shopping, then a service station for lunch, we bypassed Luxemburg city and found a campsite called Camping de Sûre in Diekirch. It is 20 euros per night if you use the stellplatz near the gate, and that includes electric and use of all services.

We went for a walk along the River Sûre, then up a hill before circling back into town.

We had a drink in one of the squares, and noted that the beer is more expensive than Germany and comes in smaller glasses.

The donkey is the emblem of the town, and the square has a statue of one with money coming out of its behind, so presumably they're a sign of good fortune.

Back at the van we had a barbecue of chicken skewers, pepper, courgette, tomatoes and kartoffelsalat.

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