Friday 21 June 2024

European Trip - Day 19

We left the site this morning but only went as far as the Olympic Stadium in town, where we parked to go for a walk in the Partnach Gorge. The stadium has four ski jumps of different ages and sizes.

We paid to walk through the gorge, it was pretty spectacular. It's been closed recently because of the extreme rainfall they've had, so now it's back to a more normal level but still impressive.

At the end we walked up the opposite side and back down towards the start.

We then left Garmisch-Partenkirchen and drove to Fussen. We booked in to a stellplatz, one of three very close to each other in the same street about a mile from the town centre. We paid 48 euros for 2 nights, no electric and showers are 2 euros each. It has very good fast Wi-Fi included though.

Fussen is the southernmost point of the Romantic Road, a 300km route through Bavaria with many towns which have medieval centres to them. It's a bit of a marketing creation to encourage tourism.

After setting up we walked into the centre of Fussen for a look around.

There are a lot of tourist shops, and we found a baker selling Schneeballen (snowballs) which are a local speciality. They're made of pastry, and either dusted with sugar or filled and coated with chocolate and other stuff.

It was raining by now, so we made our way back to the site. It was too wet for a barbecue so we had pizza instead.

Later in the evening we had a spectacular thunder and lightning storm, with hundreds of flashes.

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