Sunday 28 May 2017

Cairngorms - Day 5

We packed up and left the site in the morning. On driving through Braemar we saw a few deer in the church grounds.

We drove to the car park at Linn of Quoich where our walk started. We tried unsuccessfully to jump start another campervan with a flat battery.

Our walk was going to be up Glen Quoich, through the Clais Fhearnaig pass then back down Glen Lui.

On walking through the forest there was a bright green carpet of blaeberries.

The Quoich Water had burst its banks in Storm Frank in 2015 and some of the path was washed away and not yet repaired.

When we got to the Clais Fhearnaig pass it was very peaceful and pretty.

After this we descended into Glen Lui, which was much more open and wider than where we'd been before.

The track we were on went through amazing ancient Caledonian woodland.

We got back to the campervan before 3pm, and started to drive home. We stopped in Blairgowrie for fuel and provisions on the way.

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