Friday 26 May 2017

Cairngorms - Day 3

It was slightly cloudy today, but still warm. We drove down the hill to the Allt More car park, and set off on our walk.

First through the forest to Ryvoan Pass, which passes the Green Lochan.

Then round a gentle track across the moor until it started going more steeply up to the ridge of Bynack More.

After going along the high ridge for a bit it then went very steeply up to the summit. By now most of the clouds had gone and it was hot and sunny with great views.

As we set off back down it was actually too hot as the sun was beating down. We saw ptarmigans and grouse.

There were some unusual rippled formations in the grass on the high moor, probably caused by the wind.

Eventually we got back to the campervan and drove to Tesco in Aviemore for provisions. We then drove to Braemar via Tomintoul which took about an hour and a half over some spectacular roads.

We arrived at Braemar Caravan Park at about 6pm.

After showers we had a barbecue of beefburgers, mushrooms and tomatoes. It was lovely sitting out in the sun in the evening.

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