Saturday 27 May 2017

Cairngorms - Day 4

We walked straight from the site, first into Braemar then up past a little pond, with tadpoles.

It was warm but a little cloudy. It was then uphill towards the top of Morrone. There were good views down to the village and the River Dee.

At the top was a large radio mast. It was quite windy here. We could see across to Ben Macdui etc.

There was a good landrover track all the way down, then we followed an old military road back along the River Clunie.

Once back in Braemar we bought some provisions in the supermarket then had an ice cream. It was warm but threatening rain for most of the late afternoon but it didn't come to much.

We had a barbecue of sausages, peppers, onions and mushrooms. At about 9pm it did start raining, and it was off and on for a few hours.

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