Thursday 25 May 2017

Cairngorms - Day 2

We woke up to blue sky and sunshine.

Straight from the car park we set off walking up Ben Macdui, the second highest mountain in Britain. As we walked up we had views of Loch Morlich, Rothiemurcus forest and the Larig Ghrue.

At the top it was very pleasant to sit if you sheltered from the breeze.

There were lots of snow buntings around.

From there we walked across the plateau to Cairn Gorm itself. We had to cross a couple of patches of snow.

The views were great and on the way we encountered a herd of reindeer.

We then reached the summit of Cairn Gorm, which had a weather station.

After sitting for a while we descended to the Ptarmigan restaurant, where the funicular railway goes to. We went in for a look around.

After this we descended the Windy Ridge path back to the car park, and had a pint in the day lodge there.

We stayed another night in the campervan there, though we moved to a different spot. For dinner we had lentil chilli and rice.

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