Sunday 7 May 2017

Ardnamurchan - Day 6

We left Portuairk and drove back to Kilchoan to use the facilities at the ferry terminal, then back north west to a parking place just short of Sanna.

We started a walk north, and just over the first hill we saw what we thought were eagles, but on looking closely at the photos later realised they were ospreys.

Soon we encountered the abandoned settlement of Glendrian.

Then down Glen Drian towards the coast, where we stopped for some lunch overlooking rocks where some seals were basking.

Here we also found the Glendrian caves.

Travelling west, we stopped at another lovely white sandy beach for a while.

We walked all the way round Sanna Point, then over the beaches in Sanna Bay to Sanna itself. There were quite a few cars in the car park, and people on the beaches, some swimming and kayaking.

We walked south from the village, then over a pass and back down to the road near where the van was parked.

We sat outside in the sun for a while. Scott repaired Shirley's boots with Gorilla Glue (again). For dinner we had corned beef hash.

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