Tuesday 9 May 2017

Ardnamurchan - Day 8

This morning we packed up and left the site. We drove first to Acharacle, where we stopped at the shop for provisions. We then drove west to the car park for Kentra Bay.

There were dire warning signs at the gate we went through.

We walked first along the shore, then up through the forest.

We saw a slow worm on the road.

There was a huge wooden fence enclosing off part of the peninsula. The bit at the side of the path was about a mile long. On later research we discovered this was where the Channel 4 reality TV show Eden was filmed.

Eventually we arrived at the beach, the Singing Sands. If you scuff your feet in the sand it makes a kind of screeching noise. We found a sheltered spot and had our lunch, then a snooze in the sand.

We then walked back, taking a different route through the forest, where we had to climb over and through several fallen trees.

When we got back the tide was coming in, so we read books while we stayed for a while and watched it.

We drove back to Acharacle and had a pint in the Loch Sheil Inn. Then we went on to Dorlinn, our wild camping spot, with views to Castle Tioram.

We had lentil bolognese and pasta for dinner.

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