Wednesday 3 May 2017

Ardnamurchan - Day 2

We drove back to near the ferry terminal again and parked. The ferry is free for foot passengers so we took it across to use the toilet at the other side. It was only after we got back that we noticed there was another public toilet just where we'd parked!

We started out on our walk, first up the road as far as the ancient Cille burial ground. Then it was steeply up a grassy hill to the summit of Sgurr na h-Eanchainne. We had views down to the fields below and Loch Linnhe.

It was beautifully sunny, and the views across to Ben Nevis etc. were stunning.

We saw a newt in one of the small lochans at the top.

We walked down and round the rim of the corrie, then up to the summit of Druim na Sgriodain.

Then it was a long way down, passing a waterfall called McLean's Tower. There was not much water falling as it's been so dry recently.

At the village shop we bought an ice cream, then went back to the van. We drove to Strontian to check out the tourist information (already closed for the day, and also closed Thursday and Friday!) and the shop.

We went to the Strontian Hotel for a pint, then drove up out the village on a steep single track road to our wild camping spot, which was in a car park at some woodland.

We had chilli and rice for dinner. Later we discovered there was a picnic table just up a path, with great views to the setting sun over the end of the peninsula, so we took a drink up and sat there for a while.

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