Saturday 6 May 2017

Ardnamurchan - Day 5

In the morning we saw a formation of lenticular clouds from the campervan.

We packed up and left the site, and drove further west. Some deer crossed the road in front of us.

We stopped at Kilchoan pier to check out the facilities (toilets and free wifi!), then went to the village store. We bought petrol there, £1.46 per litre!

We then drove on to Portuairk near the end of the peninsula. We parked there and went for a walk.

First down to the village and bay, then round the headland. We had to pass through an area with two frisky goats, who were called Ronald and William as we later found out.

We stopped and had a snack at a lovely beach in McLean's Bay, which had views out to the lighthouse at Ardnamurchan Point.

We then went on to Ardnamurchan lighthouse, where we paid to go up and have a guided tour.

The views there were amazing, Canna, Uist, Rhum, Eigg, Muck, Skye and many more were visible.

Back at the campervan we went for a stroll down to the bay again, as the guide at the lighthouse had said there was a family of otters past the last house, which was called Ruidh Dubh. And we saw them! One came in with an eel in its mouth, then went back into the sea again.

We stayed for a while then went back to the van, where we had ham, ratatouille and fried potatoes. for dinner. Later we went back down to look for the otters again, but didn't see any, maybe because the tide was out. We did see a nice sunset though.

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