Sunday 17 March 2024

Seville - Day 9

Today was our last day, so we packed up and left the apartment. On the way back to Malaga we wanted to visit the El Torcal natural park. However as it was a nice Sunday afternoon it was very busy, even the overflow car park was full. So unfortunately we had to give up on that idea and go somewhere else.

Back near Antequera we parked at an old campground, and went for a walk in the trees. Shirley wasn't feeling too great though, so we didn't go that far.

We wandered through the campground, it was actually also a hotel that was abandoned and derelict.

We still had plenty of time before our flight, so we went into Antequera itself, and, with some difficulty, found a parking place near the centre.

We wandered round for a bit, it was very hot.

Scott visited the Alcazaba at the top of the hill while Shirley rested in the shade.

We went back down to the main square and had a drink in an open air café.

We headed for the airport, stopping for dinner on the way. After an abortive attempt at using a local village restaurant (it was closed) we eventually ate at a fast food place in Malaga called VIPs. It was ok, Shirley had a burger and Scott had a chinese chicken bowl.

We returned the car and got the courtesy bus to the airport, to find our flight was showing as being half an hour late. We had a pint at the bar and waited.

Eventually we boarded, to be told that it was touch-and-go whether we'd get to Edinburgh airport before the runway closed at midnight for repairs. If we didn't make it we would have had to divert to Liverpool! They tried to hurry people to sit down but it ran close to the wire. We took off with minutes to spare and landed at 23.55.

We got through the airport smoothly, retrieved our car from the car park and drove home, getting in about 1am.

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