Monday 11 March 2024

Seville - Day 3

We caught the Metro in to the city centre. It's very easy, you can just use a contactless card, and it turned out to be less than 50p per journey.

We walked south in the city towards a restaurant we planned to use for breakfast. The first place we came across was the Plaza de España, an area next to a semi-circular building with a moat and lots of ceramic tiles on the walls. There were many tourists around taking pictures.

We headed further down through the Parque de María Luisa, a large beautiful park, where we saw the first of the horse carriages which take tourists all over the city.

We had breakfast at L'Orangier café, coffee, churros and orange juice.

We then had a fairly long walk around the city. We thought we might visit the cathedral but for walk-ins there was a huge queue so we decided to buy advance tickets for another day.

We bought some savoury pastries for our lunch at a Spar. We had booked advance tickets for the Real Alcázar, the Royal Palace, for 2pm so we went about 1.50 only to find we still had to queue up. However as we got to the security check, they scanned our backpack and told us we weren't allowed to take food or drink in. So we had to leave the queue and go back outside to hurriedly eat our lunch!

Fortunately we didn't have to queue up again and we got straight back in. The palace is decorated with Moorish patterns and is very big, and the gardens are nice formal ones with lots of orange trees.

We had a beer on an outside table at a café, then caught the Metro home.

Later for dinner we made pasta with vegetables.

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