Monday 25 March 2024

Cornwall - Day 1

We left Dunblane in the campervan in the morning and drove to Ledbury, stopping at a couple of motorway services on the way. There were a couple of minor hold ups but nothing dramatic. Oscar was a very good passenger.

We'd booked into a Camping and Caravanning Club Certificated Site up a hill just outside Ledbury. We'd actually stayed there a few years before. Back then it had showers, now it doesn't (we'd misread the advert).

We were the only ones on the site for the two nights we stayed there. Because the grass was so wet they got us to park on the tarmac driveway.

There were lambs in the field next door, and loads of pheasants wandering around the site, so Oscar was fully occupied watching them.

We had pasta with stilton sauce for dinner.

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