Tuesday 26 March 2024

Cornwall - Day 2

The reason we'd come to Ledbury was to visit our friend Phil, who'd had a stroke last year and was in a Ledbury Nursing home.

We drove into town and parked, and went for a walk along the Ledbury Town Trail. This was a bit strange as it didn't show off much of the town, it only went along an old railway track then back up a riverside.

In any case we did it, then went into the main street and had a Greggs cake and coffee at a table in the market building.

We walked round a bit more and did a bit of shopping.

We bought our lunch at Greggs as well.

We then went to visit Phil in the nursing home, and took him out in a wheel chair to the historic Prince of Wales pub, it was very nice to see him.

Back at the site, we later had root vegetable and lentil curry with naan bread.

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