Wednesday 13 March 2024

Seville - Day 5

We drove to the village of Aznalcázar and parked. We went for a walk down and then back up a section of the Guadimar river.

It turned out to be not the most interesting of walks as we usually couldn't see the river, and were just walking on tracks through the greenery.

However we did see plenty of wild flowers and a few horses.

We came across a deep ford just as some men were taking their horse carriage through it.

We went back home for a rest. Later we went out for dinner in Seville, catching the Metro in again.

We had a drink in a bar, then went to the Bodega Santa Cruz for a tapas meal.

We shared pork with mojo sauce, spinach with five cheeses, fried aubergine with honey, tortilla, patatas bravas, pork black pudding roll and two rolls with different cheeses. It was all pretty good and very reasonably priced.

We caught the Metro back again, and went for a beer and some roast monkey nuts at our local Bodega San Rafael.

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