Monday 31 May 2021

Cairngorms - Day 2

We walked from the site in the morning to climb Morrone (859m), the hill to the south of Braemar. We'd done it before in 2017 so decided to do it in the reverse direction this time, first walking about 3 miles up the Old Military Road which is parallel to Clunie Water and goes past the golf course.

Eventually we turned and started walking the track up the hill. It's got a large radio mast on the top.

From the top there were great views all round, down to Braemar and across to the Cairngorms.

On the way down we stopped at the Duck Pond for some lunch.

We then carried on walking down to the River Dee and along its bank for a bit.

The final part was up through Braemar where we stopped for a lovely and welcome ice cream.

Later we had chilli and rice for dinner.

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