Friday 7 May 2021

Scottish Highlands - Day 6

We drove to Lochinver and parked the van at the waterfront.

The walk we are doing is the Glencanisp Circuit. First it goes up the River Inver, with lots of little weirs and piers for salmon fishing.

After leaving the river we went across moors, with views ahead to the Quinag ridge.

Gradually the spectacular Suilven started to come into view.

We sat by Loch Druim Suardalain to have our lunch.

We decided to extend the walk by walking a couple of miles up the track towards Suilven, before turning back and heading down past Glencanisp Lodge and along the side of the loch.

We stopped for a final view of Suilven.

When driving back we stopped at a viewpoint over Clachtoll.

Later for dinner we had chicken curry.

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