Sunday 9 May 2021

Scottish Highlands - Day 8

We drove north up the coast a few miles and parked at Stoer lighthouse.

We walked up the coast along the cliff tops, to the sea stack known as Old Man of Stoer.

There are ropes attached to the top for climbers.

On the way back we went over a hilltop.

There was still time left in the day, so we drove back south, past the campsite and through Lochinver to Inverkirkaig. We walked up the River Kirkaig.

There were views over to Stac Pollaidh, which we'd climbed about seven years ago.

Eventually we had a steep climb down to a viewpoint at the Falls of Kirkaig.

We drove back to the campsite. Later we went for a walk round the local beaches to Clachtoll Broch, which is thought to be around 2000 years old.

Later for dinner we had beefburgers with fried potatoes and beans.

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