Saturday 8 May 2021

Scottish Highlands - Day 7

Today we did a walk suggested by the owner of the campsite. Leaving from the site we walked up the road then inland on a track across moorland with lots of little lochs.

We saw a large bird that we thought might be a golden eagle, but actually now think it was just a big buzzard.

At the end of the track we climbed a hill to get better views.

We had to cut across the moor and lochs to get to our return path. We had a bit of trouble finding the marked route, but got it eventually. It led to a rocky causeway across a loch.

On the way back we went through the hamlet of Stoer, where we'd been led to believe there was a shop, but we didn't find anything. We saw a stoat running across a field.

We stopped at Flossie's shack to by some provisions. We took Oscar down to the beach for a run about before the rain came on.

He was pretty tired when we got back to the van.

Later we had pasta with smoked salmon and pesto.

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