Tuesday 11 May 2021

Scottish Highlands - Day 10

Things didn't quite go to plan today. We phoned the ferry man to confirm the times, to be told that there was no ferry because to a military exercise going on at Cape Wrath. But in any case the minibus wasn't running, and hadn't been since the pandemic. The ferry is only used by people with bikes to get to the Cape.

So we replanned, and decided to go for a walk at Faraid Head, a peninsula just west of Durness. It has very nice sand dunes which are protected. It has a military lookout post at the very tip, and we met some army vehicles coming down across the sand.

We were hoping we might see some of the bombardment from ships to shore at Cape Wrath, but visibility was very poor. We don't even know if it went ahead.

We then drove to Smoo Cave, one of the largest sea caves in Britain. It has a waterfall inside it.

We still had plenty of time so we drove about 30 miles on single track roads to Tongue, and went for a walk to Castle Varrich.

Inside the castle is a staircase and platform to the top, for the views.

For dinner later the campsite restaurant were doing takeaways, so we both had the Gourmet Burger. It was very good!

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