Wednesday 5 May 2021

Scottish Highlands - Day 4

We drove north to Golspie for a walk. On the way past Loch Fleet, the tide was going out and we noticed lots of seals were pulling themselves onto a sandbank to bask in the (fleeting) sunshine.

We drove on and parked in the centre of Golspie. We started our walk up Ben Bhraggie (347m). After leaving the town the first part was through forest.

After leaving the forest there were good views back down to the town and the coast.

There's a large bridge-like structure for mountain bikes near the top.

It was pretty cold and windy and we had the occasional hail shower.

The top of the hill has a huge (30m high) statue of the Duke of Sutherland.

The route down took us to a burn called the Big Burn, which was a nice, more sheltered walk.

Once back in Golspie we walked along the sea front to the pier.

Just a mile or so up the coast is Dunrobin Castle, so we went there for a walk on the beach so that Oscar could have a run about.

On the way home we stopped at Loch Fleet where the seals were still on the sand bar. We saw a white-tailed sea eagle, though didn't manage to photograph it.

Back at the site Oscar flaked out, think he was a bit tired!

For dinner we had spicy root veg and lentil casserole.

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