Thursday 6 May 2021

Scottish Highlands - Day 5

We left Embo today. After packing up we drove to the Falls of Shin for a short walk. Unfortunately the visitor's centre and café were closed.

We drove on to Lochinver on the west coast. We had some lunch in the An Cala café - Shirley had jacket potato with cheese and salad, and Scott had a club sandwich.

After lunch we had a walk in the woods behind Lochinver. This was a great find and very interesting.

We then drove on to our next site, Clachtoll. This is about 5 miles north of Lochinver on a single track road. The site owner showed us round, it's nice and dog-friendly.

After setting up we had a walk to the beach, which is just below the site.

Before dinner we sat round their fire pit with a drink for a chat with some fellow campers. We then went back to the van and had fish fingers, fried potatoes and mushy peas for dinner.

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