Monday 10 May 2021

Scottish Highlands - Day 9

We packed up and left the site this morning. We were heading for the north coast, and stopped on the way at Blairmore. From there we walked the four miles to the famous, spectacular Sandwood Bay. This is a one mile long sandy beach, with a sea stack to the south and a freshwater loch just inland.

The pictures possibly don't do it justice as at wasn't very sunny.

After returning to the van we carried on to Durness on the north coast and Sango Sands campsite. This has a spectacular location on a clifftop behind a beach.

The plan for tomorrow is to catch the ferry and bus to Cape Wrath. We checked the noticeboard for the ferry and it seems like the first sailing is at 10am.

After setting up we had chilli and rice for dinner.

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