Tuesday 4 May 2021

Scottish Highlands - Day 3

 After breakfast we drove to the hamlet of Spinningdale for our walk round Ledmore & Migdale forests. This went through a forest to a loch then up to a viewpoint.

We were on the lookout for red squirrels but only saw sculptures.

We heard our first cuckoo on this walk.

Once we started to gain height the views opened up.

The final viewpoint where we had our lunch had great views over the Dornoch Firth and down to a ruined castle.

After this walk we drove north to Little Ferry, in Loch Fleet National Nature Reserve. There was an old ice house there near the pier.

We had a walk round the sand dunes and beach there.

We drove back to the site. Because of Covid restrictions, alcohol is only allowed to be served outside so we had a cold couple of pints sitting in their "beer garden".

Later we had ratatouille and couscous for dinner.

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