Sunday 15 July 2018

Germany - Day 7

We went for a long walk today. First we drove a few km to Ratzeburg and parked the car there. We walked down the side of the Ratzeburg See, with good views back to the old town which is on an island.

At the bottom of the lake we came across a team of young people getting into a boat and setting off.

We then headed inland, soon encountering a water wheel-driven mill.

We walked along the side of a canal.

Then into a forest. From a viewing platform we saw some grey cranes in the distance.

The walk went past a lot of farm land. There seemed to be fruit trees along every path, mostly apples which weren't ready yet but also some ripe plums and cherries.

The last part of the walk took us through villages with old interesting buildings.

When we got home, our host Andreas invited us to a barbecue with his wife Marita. We had two types of sausages, chicken and zucchini noodles. A couple of their friends joined us for a beer later.

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