Sunday 22 July 2018

Germany - Day 14

We drove south to the village of Mölln for a walk. After parking the car we walked along a canal, then into a wildlife park with free entry.

There we saw wild boars, racoons and some birds.

There was also a deer next to a pond which wasn't in an enclosure. It was very unafraid of us though, and hung around for ages.

We walked further on and saw some more deer.

We then carried on our walk round the many lakes near the town.

We drove back to near our own village, and kept a lookout for Nandus. This is the German name for the Great Rhea, which run wild in the area after some pairs escaped from an exotic meat farm some years ago.

Andreas our host says there are about 300 of them.

We stopped when we saw some in the fields and photographed them.

We then went on to the village of Schattin, where we had beer and cakes outside in the garden of a cafe.

We went home and later had omelette for dinner.

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